Short Stories

Nicholas Markez and the Water Walkers, Published on LingoBites App

Nicholas Markez and the Water Walkers” has been published by LingoBites, an app which aids individuals learning Spanish. This is fantasy, adventure short story trilogy. The first of three in the series.

Below is the email blast sent out by LingoBites announcing the publication of the story.


It’s New Story Day!

Bringing you the latest FREE story to practice your Spanish!

Today we are very excited to announce the very first story in our new fantasy trilogy: Nicholas Markez and the Water Walkers.

Nicholas Markez and the Water Walkers
By Derek Sikkema

In a fantasy land of islands, the loner Nicholas Markez must find allies to help him in his quest to free the spirits of his parents from the stomach of the sea serpent Tarah, a deep-sea demon of terrifying power.

This one is B2 – Intermediate level. It has some fun new fantasy vocab that we think you’ll get a kick out of.