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Felandorous Felicitious Flippidoctorino Felladorous (Felix)

An ancient being, around on the material plane since the first wars between the Giants and the Dragons, Felix, a beholder gifted with ability to give life to inanimate objects, has long sought to put more agency in the hands of mortals. A nihilist to the core, he believes that because there is no meaning to the universe, nothing means anything if it is not freely chosen, and therefore true meaning, real purpose, is only discoverable in the mortal capacity for free will. He created the first warforged and taught other mortals to harness his power to infuse inorganic matter with sentience. Since then, he has gone into hiding, somewhere deep within the earth, and gone a bit mad as a result, but he has never lost track of his true purpose. Rest assured, whatever project he is now working on, its objective is to further freedom and justice in the mortal world.